almanac command

This page implements the COHERENT almanac command using its original data files.

See also:
almanac manual page
Fred Butzen's original C source almanac.c [7/12/88]
Data files almanac.birth, almanac.death, almanac.event [10/26/94]

Enter a month and day (e.g., "Jul 15"):

1606: Rembrandt van Rijn, painter, Amsterdam.
1796: Thomas Bulfinch, au. of "Bulfinch's Mythology", Newton, Mass.
1850: Frances Xavier Cabrini, Lodi, Italy.
1919: Iris Murdoch, novelist, Dublin.
1881: William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid), gunfighter, Ft. Sumner, NM.
St. Bonaventure, bishop and doctor
1954: Maiden flight of the Boeing 707, first U.S. passenger jetliner.